Saturday, July 17, 2010

GSS & Google Flash Maps as a Cloud in Google AppEngine with 3D

Earlier I got a chance to attend a workshop of Cloud computing IN Hyderabad, while studding different concepts and exploring different cloud computing concepts I came across Google App Engine (GAE). I thought of developing a Cloud App for Smallworld on GAE. I am successful on doing on local where App Server runs on local which is a flash GSS client running on App Server. So I deployed the client on App Engine and can be accessible from . I saw few applications where GSS is integrated with Google Earth. Google Earth is a thick desktop client with can render 3D.

The developed client is thin web client which can render 3D and integrated with GSS.

I Me and GIS is a flash client with very basic services of Google Earth deployed on Google App Engine. ( GSS functionality not deployed on App Engine. this is just a Google flash maps on Google cloud environment)

This is flash client with 3D rendering capabilities will work similar to Google Earth client with same navigation control on the left hand side.

Client is a flash application require flash player 9 or above
3D rendering is implemented using Papervision3D

Load 3D will Render GE Building in 3D. Application can render any 3D object provided corresponding DAE(collada) or kmz available in server. (Please see pics rendering 3d will take 20-30 sec to download the 3D model from App engine)
load KML not implemented on App engine
Print Map will print the current map view

Comments, Suggestions are welcomed