Saturday, January 8, 2011

Web Emacs : ( Magik XMPP )

I have been thinking of instant messaging and presence technology in Smallworold from long time. With lot of searching I found XMPP

Xmpp is a protocol used in instant messaging and it’s a open standard for communication protocol, supported by Gtalk, Facebook, twitter, etc..

Even thought it’s a protocol for instant messaging it is best suited for writing any web services. The below is video is a web Emacs application uses Google talk client in web gmail, xmpp server in google app engine (GAE), and Smallworld applications.
The protocol is for extensible instant messaging, presence information.. The presence technology has wide usages.

Web services using XMPP provides lot of advantages when compared with conventional SOAP Services. (See the table) 
The current video demonstration has three parts… a web client, a XMPP server running in Google cloud and a Magik XMPP service running in Smallworld session.

XMPP Magik service is combination of magik + java Smack API.. its a open source client library for instant messaging and presence
The demo is sample example of how we can use xmpp, butt is usage is only limited by the imagination of developer.